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Types of Dental Fillings


This filling material is sometimes referred to as “silver” fillings due it’s silver-like color and because it is composed of a mixture of metals that include silver, copper and tin. Dental amalgam has been established as a safe, affordable, and durable restoration material by the ADA and the FDA and has been used in dentistry for a very long time. Because of it’s durable nature and ease of placement, it is a trusted restorative material for treating tooth decay.

Composite Fillings

Composite, or tooth-colored, fillings are made up of a mixture of ceramic and other compounds. It is best for patients that are looking for a more “natural” appearance solution to restoring their tooth decay. These types of filling are durable, and ideal for small to medium sized decay or decay in areas of the front of the mouth that is easily visible. Composites, like natural teeth, are also susceptible to possible staining/discoloration and sensitivity can occur.

Amalgam vs composite fillings

Cosmetic Teeth Bonding

If you suffer from chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth/fillings, cosmetic tooth bonding could be the right solution for you. These kinds of damage to teeth can be restored through very conservative, minimal treatment to restore teeth back to its natural, beautiful self. Using layered resin applications, these problems are restored back to the appearance of natural teeth in just one visit. This will get you back to your confident smile in no time at all!

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